Rethinking seat time when seats are empty: competency-based education and Covid-19

October 1, 2020 • Lars Esdal

Less than a quarter of Minnesota schools are operating fully in-person, with most offering distance learning or a hybrid approach. Many students struggle with consistent access to the devices and internet they need. Inconsistent attendance in turn leads to lost learning, exacerbated inequities, and disengagement. Student-centered learning, and in particular competency-based education, provide a route to address issues of disengagement and learning loss head on.

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LAUSD schools use teacher autonomy to adapt to distance learning

July 27, 2020 • Guest Blogger

LAUSD recently announced students will be distance learning when school resumes next month. Distance learning in the district this past spring has been called ineffective, inconsistent, even a failure. But pockets of innovation sprouted during this time. Many schools responded in adaptive and inventive ways—LA Teacher-Powered schools being strong examples of resilience and innovation thanks to their collective leadership structures and cycles of reflection and improvement.

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