Today: Teacher-Powered Schools Initiative Launches

May 19, 2014 • Lars Esdal

This afternoon, at 2pm CT, Education Evolving will launch our new Teacher-Powered Schools Initiative at the Education Writers Association’s 67th National Seminar’s “Teachers Take Charge” panel discussion.

Today’s launch coincides with the release of our new national survey data that that reveal overwhelming public support and teacher interest in a professional partnership model of teacher leadership, or “teacher-powered schools.”

This new initiative is laser-focused on improving student learning and making teaching a better job for teachers. Teacher-powered schools aim to transform K-12 education in the U.S.—not from the top-down, but from the ground up—by cultivating a collaborative school governance structure where teachers, principals, parents, and community leaders are empowered to work together toward a shared vision of what students and schools could achieve.

As an advocate for teachers, I hope you will join us. Here are five ways you can learn more, get involved, and spread the word:

  1. Visit View critical resources for teachers, district administrators, charter authorizers, and policymakers on ways to create a teacher-powered school and get involved.
  2. Read our latest research report: Check out new national survey data that illustrates the widespread public and teacher interest in the concept.
  3. Share this blog post: Share information about teacher-powered schools with those who are interested in issues of teacher leadership and school-based decision making.
  4. Follow and share on Facebook and Twitter: Share the news about the initiative with your social networks! Find us on Twitter at @teacherpowered.
  5. Sign-up for email updates: Simply visit and click the button in the top right corner to receive occasional e-news updates on teacher-powered schools.

Thanks for your support as we launch this new initiative and inspire educators nationwide about the possibilities of the profession through Teacher-Powered Schools.

Private: Today: Teacher-Powered Schools Initiative Launches

May 19, 2014

This afternoon, at 2pm CT, Education Evolving will launch our new Teacher-Powered Schools Initiative at the Education Writers Association’s 67th National Seminar’s “Teachers Take Charge” panel discussion.

Today’s launch coincides with the release of our new national survey data that that reveal overwhelming public support and teacher interest in a professional partnership model of teacher leadership, or “teacher-powered schools.”

This new initiative is laser-focused on improving student learning and making teaching a better job for teachers. Teacher-powered schools aim to transform K-12 education in the U.S.—not from the top-down, but from the ground up—by cultivating a collaborative school governance structure where teachers, principals, parents, and community leaders are empowered to work together toward a shared vision of what students and schools could achieve.

As an advocate for teachers, we hope you will join us. Here are five ways you can learn more, get involved, and spread the word:

  1. Visit View critical resources for teachers, district administrators, charter authorizers, and policymakers on ways to create a teacher-powered school and get involved.
  2. Read our latest research report: Check out new national survey data that illustrates the widespread public and teacher interest in the concept.
  3. Forward this email: Share information about teacher-powered schools with those who are interested in issues of teacher leadership and school-based decision making.
  4. Follow and share on Facebook and Twitter: Share the news about the initiative with your social networks! Below is some sample content to help you get started, and don’t forget to tune-in as we live-tweet from @teacherpowered at EWA (#EWA14, #teacherpowered)
  5. Sign-up for email updates: Simply visit and click the button in the top right corner to receive occasional e-news updates on teacher-powered schools.

Thanks for your support as we launch this new initiative and inspire educators nationwide about the possibilities of the profession through Teacher-Powered Schools.

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Sample Social Media Content


  • Must Read: New report from Education Evolving on Teacher-Powered Schools reveals first-of-its-kind national survey data on teacher leadership. Challenge your assumptions on teacher-led innovation in K-12 today.
  • NEW REPORT: The American public trusts teachers to make the decisions that matter most for student and whole-school success. Learn why 78% of teachers and more than 8 in 10 Americans agree that teacher-powered schools are a good idea. Learn more from #ewa14
  • Today, there are more than 60 schools nationwide that are led collaboratively by teachers to the greater benefit of their students, educators, and overall community. Learn about the positive impacts a teacher-powered school can have on YOUR district at


  • Tune in to @teacherpowered during #EWA14 for groundbreaking new #eddata & initiative for #teacher leaders. Learn more at
  • I/we support @teacherpowered schools! Do you? #edchat #edreform
  • When teachers call the shots, #students, #schools & #edu thrive. See the new initiative for @teacherpowered schools