We draw on the following three strategic levers to advance student-centered learning and our theory of change. We group our work using these three levers into a number of big issues and concrete initiatives.
1. Thought Leadership
We contribute ideas, research, analysis, and stories to enrich and inspire the conversation on education redesign. This includes publishing reports, memos, and FAQs; writing a blog; hosting public events with guest speakers; and more.
2. Policy Advocacy
We work—in collaboration with legislators, communities, education organizations, and educators—to advance policy recommendations that clear barriers, create opportunities, and provide encouragement for high quality, equitable, student-centered learning.
3. Educator Support
We connect and support a core group of schools using innovative designs for student-centered learning and collaborative leadership. We do this by hosting convenings; weaving a network and making introductions; producing resources and guides; and partnering with other organizations who provide more direct support to schools.