Upcoming NEA webinar on teacher leadership

March 1, 2013 • Lars Esdal

UPDATE 3/14/2013: You can now view an archive of the webinar.

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Next week the National Education Association (NEA) Center for Great Public Schools is hosting a Webinar to explore the topic of teacher professionalism. All are invited to come learn and dialogue, NEA member or not. Please mark your calendars and join us!

Great Teachers Ensuring Great Teaching:
Teacher Leadership and Teacher-Led Schools

Wednesday, March 6, 2013
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM (EST)

In a growing number of schools across the United States, teachers are assuming shared or sole leadership in their schools and replacing the traditional top-down model of management and administration.

In this webinar presentation, John Wright of NEA Teacher Quality and Priority Schools departments will introduce NEA’s work supporting the growth of teacher-led schools and in growing new strategies to sustain these teachers and their schools. National experts Kim Farris-Berg (of Education Evolving) and Lori Nazareno will then present the latest research on the growing phenomenon and share the experience of working with teacher colleagues to start-up a school and collectively make the decisions influencing whole school success.

Please use the URL below for presentation visuals, and the phone number below for audio.

Online Presentation URL:
Invited By: Monique Bailey (MBailey@nea.org)

Audio Conference Information:
Conference Number(s): US: 1-719-457-0613 US: 1-800-689-9374
Participant Code: 327612

About the Presenters

Kim Farris-Berg, Senior Associate with Education Evolving, is the lead author of our recently published book Trusting Teachers With School Success. Trusting Teachers answers: what would teachers do if they had the autonomy not just to make classroom decisions, but to collectively—with their colleagues—make the decisions influencing whole school success? Decisions such as school curriculum, how to allocate the school budget, and whom to hire.

Kim states, “Today’s most dominant ideas in education policy tend to characterize school success as a function of how well we’re doing at controlling teachers. Those in power are standardizing curricula, requiring adherence to pacing guides, tightening licensure requirements, offering merit pay, and tying school and teacher evaluations to singular measures of student performance. But what if all of this is exactly the opposite of what is needed? What if teachers are the answer and not the problem? What if trusting teachers, and not controlling them, is the key to school success?“

Lori Nazareno is a dual-certified National Board Certified Teacher with 25 years of classroom experience. She took the concept of a teacher-led school from concept to reality at the Mathematics and Science Leadership Academy in Denver, Colorado. She currently serves a Teacher-in-Residence at the Center for Teaching Quality working on School Redesign and Teacher Leadership.

Praise for Trusting Teachers with School Success

“Trusting Teachers offers a compelling look at the breakthrough possibilities of teacher leadership. The next generation of schools can be places of real innovation and creativity if we will truly trust teachers.”
—Dennis Van Roekel, President of the National Education Association

“While many school systems push authority upwards to administration and accountability for results downwards onto individual teachers, Trusting Teachers shows us what can happen when authority and accountability are brought together and teachers have a seat at every table.”
—Linda Darling-Hammond, professor at Stanford University School of Education