New blog series: Spotlight on Chartering

March 25, 2016

This week we at Education Evolving begin a multi-pronged effort to help Minnesotans and others interested in the evolution of school gain a broader understanding of the role chartering is playing in improving public education in 2016.

The effort begins with a white paper revisiting the purpose set out in the original law: to create a new, more entrepreneurial sector of public education that can develop innovative, more effective strategies for educating students, organizing schools and evaluating student progress. In the coming months we’ll look at the current status of that effort, and the challenges facing the charter sector in this, the 25th anniversary year of the passage of Minnesota’s landmark charter school law.

Our work will include continuing coverage of the charter sector here, on the Education Evolving blog, in a new special series “Spotlight on Chartering”. Topics we will cover include:

  • Examples of new approaches to learning—innovations—being used in chartered schools
  • Happenings in the charter sector, including personnel changes, partnerships formed, school openings and closings, etc.
  • Legislative and administrative policy activity, including committee hearings, ESSA workgroup meetings, etc.
  • Charter authorizers, including the authorizer review process currently underway

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In addition to this continuous coverage, Education Evolving has partnered with the Minnesota Association of Charter Schools to develop an inventory of innovative practices in use in Minnesota charter schools, and to create an Innovation Award Program designed to showcase some of the most promising innovations.