Online discussion of Trusting Teachers begins next week

November 21, 2012 • Kim Farris-Berg

Education Evolving’s latest book, Trusting Teachers with School Success: What Happens When Teachers Call the Shots is now available from, Barnes & Noble, and other online booksellers. E-books (from Kindle, Nook, and other vendors) will also be available starting Friday, November 23.

Now is the perfect time to read the book. An online discussion of Trusting Teachers begins Thursday, November 29 at There, guiding questions will be posted to inspire open-ended text conversations about the book. This ongoing “virtual book club” will last several weeks. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to explore the ideas and opportunities presented in the book with others, including with teachers who already have the authority to collectively make the decisions influencing whole school success.

We also invite teachers and other education leaders to participate in Teachers in Partnership, or TIP, an online community supporting teachers who call the shots. There are already more than 45 teachers on this website sharing resources, ideas, and encouragement on a variety of topics including distributed leadership, tenure and evaluation, creative approaches to teaching and learning, and how teachers secure authority.

Trusting Teachers is available online directly from the publisher, R&L Education, at a 20% discount for those who call 1-800-462-6420 and use the promo code 6RLEGEN12.

All of us at Education Evolving wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving.