You might ask: Why another blog about education? What do you have to say that others don’t already say?
Fair enough.

Through this blog, Education Evolving will ask and answer the questions of “How?” – which others generally aren’t doing. Too much of the discussion elsewhere deplores the problems and reaffirms the goals. But the important question is: “How do we get it done?”
For more than 20 years, Education Evolving has concentrated on broadening and deepening the concept of learning and introducing a more realistic process of change to make K-12 education a self-improving system.
We have studied the central questions that bedevil public education in the United States. We’ve been the driving force behind some important policy innovations, enacted first in our home state and which have spread elsewhere. We write books and papers which others have found useful in informing their thinking. We find ideas outside of the K-12 field which are relevant to creating system change and argue how they might be applied in education. And we’ve been connecting new people and new ideas with each other for a long time.
Mostly we have been content to work quietly and behind the scenes.
But now we think we can make a greater contribution by speaking more openly, more often… and more pointedly.
Our questions might be irreverent but we hope never irrelevant.
We won’t trim our sails to stay in the good graces of those who affect funding or station – because we don’t depend on them.
Here you will find our ideas on changing the system (both the good and the bad ways), professionalizing teachers, creating an innovation sector in public education, broadening how we define “achievement,” individualizing the learning process, and much more.
Here we will ask questions that others don’t, suggest ideas, announce our publications, and comment on new developments. Whether you agree or disagree with our observations and ideas, we hope you will find value in this blog and join in the discussion. Please feel free to comment on our blog posts or e-mail us directly at
Thanks for reading.