New charter authorizer to focus on innovative schools

March 31, 2011

In the effort to improve public education today, there is a tendency to look for “what works,” and then replicate it. These efforts should be applauded.

But, it’s important that at the same time we continue to try new things. There is likely not one concept of school that works for all students, all teachers, and in all contexts. We must continue to innovate.

Innovative Quality Schools (IQS) is a new approved authorizer of chartered schools in Minnesota. They will focus on authorizing schools that innovate with respect to instructional model, staffing and leadership design, evaluation method, or some other aspect.

This March, IQS issued its first Request for Proposals, asking any organization in the world to submit proposals for new chartered public schools for Minnesota students.

IQS Board Chair Dr. Kristin Anderson (a former superintendent) said, “Innovation does not mean proposals that are not well thought out. Rather, they are ideas that have a compelling design that is different and new.”

Have an idea? Know someone who might?

Official Press ReleaseFull Request for Proposals

Private: New charter authorizer to focus on innovative schools

March 28, 2011

New charter authorizer to focus on innovative schools

In the effort to improve public education today, there is a tendency to look for “what works,” and then replicate it. These efforts should be applauded.

But, it’s important that at the same time we continue to try new things. There is likely not one concept of school that works for all students, all teachers, and in all contexts. We must continue to innovate.

The world around us is being redesigned through innovation.
Education must join in.

Innovative Quality Schools (IQS) is a new approved authorizer of chartered schools in Minnesota. They will focus on authorizing schools that innovate with respect to instructional model, staffing and leadership design, evaluation method, or some other aspect.

This March, IQS issued its first Request for Proposals, asking any organization in the world to submit proposals for new chartered public schools for Minnesota students.

IQS Board Chair Dr. Kristin Anderson (a former superintendent) said, “Innovation does not mean proposals that are not well thought out. Rather, they are ideas that have a compelling design that is different and new.”

Have an idea? Know someone who might?

Official Press ReleaseFull Request for Proposals